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Systems for Learning and Growth

In his book The Pursuit of Excellence, Ryan Hawk poses a critical question: “What process have you purposefully put into place to ensure that you’re learning something new each day?” While many people focus on continuous improvement, less individuals create a more systematic approach to learning. As children, our teachers develop systems and processes for learning, but as we grow into adulthood, continuous improvement depends on our own systems. Here are five key systems for learning and growth: 

  1. Narrow the Focus: The first system for continuous learning is narrowing the focus on what to learn. The world contains significant information, and we could spend our time learning about many ideas. In order to grow in our work and life, narrow the focus to 2-3 ideas that really matter to you. Develop the mindset that you’ll learn deeper rather than wider. How well have you narrowed the ideas you’re learning?
  2. Read Books: The second system for learning is to consistently read books aligned with your topic of choice. Reading is a life-long activity, but many people fall out of the routine. Once identifying books that align with your learning and growth, then develop a daily habit and routine around reading. The routine might include reading for fifteen minutes in the morning or evening, reading for an hour on the weekends, or reading during your train or bus commute. How well have you developed a consistent reading habit?
  3. Listen to Podcasts: The third system for learning is to listen to podcasts. Podcasting has become a significant aspect of learning and growth for many people. The key idea is to follow 2-3 podcasts that align with your narrow focus for learning. It’s important to avoid trying to listen to too many podcasts or trying to take notes on every small detail that’s discussed. Focus on extracting 2-3 small ideas from each podcast episode that you can then use in your daily work and life. How consistently do you listen to podcasts and learn from them?
  4. Write Consistently: The fourth key system for learning is to develop a consistent writing habit. Writing often becomes lost or forgotten as an opportunity for learning and growth. Many people feel intimidated by the act of writing or feel they need to immediately share their ideas with others. First begin by writing about topics of interest, focus on developing clear ideas, revise your work over time, and learn from each step. The process of writing helps clarify ideas and beliefs. How consistently do you write about the ideas you’re learning?
  5. Discuss with Others: The fifth key system for learning is to discuss ideas with others. After reading, listening, and writing, spend time discussing the ideas you’re learning with others. The opportunity to see other perspectives on the topics you’ve learned and written about allows for further growth. Over time, developing a core group of people who can discuss ideas and offer perspectives allows important learning opportunities. How consistently do you discuss your learning with others? 

One challenging aspect of continuous learning and growth is creating a consistent habit for it. The process of learning requires that we embed systems into our daily life that will help us develop each day. People who continuously improve avoid leaving their learning to chance, so they develop clear systems for their growth. We can take a lot from the processes we learned in school around the writing process, reading a novel, developing art, or solving a problem. 

How intentionally do you develop systems for learning in your life?